Global Green and it’s subsidiaries always remain supremely conscious of the impact of it’s operations on the environment. The company’s vision is to create a company culture where environmental excellence is second nature. The company’s mission is to fully integrate environmental stewardship into the business of providing quality products, best-in-class customer experience at the best value.
Global Green sets, monitors and periodically reviews objectives related to environmental management by using Environmental Management System.
The company is committed to take initiatives those have significant impact on carbon footprint by reducing the CO2 emissions in various forms across the value chain.
The company has taken short-term and long-term initiatives at each stage of food chain to bring down the overall GHG emissions by 5% within operations by the year 2025.
The progress achieved against the set goals is measured by using independent third-party tools like ‘Ecovadis’ and results are being communicated internally to the stakeholders to work on improvement areas.
The company has also partnered with Global Retailers like Walmart in the ‘Project Gigaton’ to bring down emissions across the value chain and the achievements are measured with the independent tool designed by Walmart.
A risk-based approach is adopted within Operations to reduce energy demand and work upon renewable resources thereby the organizational values are demonstrated. The company has achieved few of the following goals ahead of the set targets by the year 2025.
Aligned to this goal of reducing GHG emissions, organization has set the following goals in respective fields.
Sustainable Agriculture practices in optimizing water consumption at farms by introducing Drip-Mulch-Fertigation (DMF) approach wherein the water consumption is optimized, bringing down the fertilizer loss, reducing the weeds thereby the urge to spray herbicides is minimal, and the mulch is helping in improving the soil flora. Global Green is heading towards improving farmer’s livelihood with better yields with this approach by consistently achieving the goal of exceeding 50% DMF farming by the year 2025.

“COMMITTED badge” received from the 3rd party assessment firm: ECOVADIS during Jan 2024.

“Giga-Guru rating” conferred by Walmart as part of the ‘Project Gigaton’